The fourth quarter of 2019 financial year was another all-time high in financial terms and operational metrics:
- Revenue increased to EUR 3,369 thousand (+77% YoY and +16% QoQ). EBITDA increased EUR 1,959 thousand (+100% YoY and +11% QoQ)
- Total visits (sessions) reached almost 300 million in Qt4’19 (37% YoY, 9% QoQ), share of mobile is over 85%
- Significant macro improvements — CPI of 4.1% YoY in December’19 (6 year low level) archived central bank’s mid term target under inflation targeting policy
Detailed Qt4’19 report is available in Reports and presentations. Marketplaces operates the largest Ukrainian online automotive marketplace (, online real estate marketplace (, general classified in Ukraine, general classifieds in Belarus and in Baltics.